Application and implementation of the security reinforcement for the secondary equipment configuration tool |
Liu Wenbiao, Wang Weijie, Jiang Nan, Qian Wei, Ji Ling |
Nanjing SAC Software Engineering Co. Ltd., Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract The configuration tool for the secondary equipment in smart substation could realize the functions of parameter configuration, function definition, monitoring, remote control operation and so on. It is imperative to study and improve its security protection ability to prevent the intrusion, tampering and illegal operation from the secondary equipment. In this paper, the security of configuration tools is strengthened by the following aspects, that is, the data security of communication security, data security storage and integrity is strengthened by the state cryptographic algorithms; access control based on the separation of the four powers; security at the code level; independent audit system. It can meet the basic requirements of cyber security level protection, reduce the information security risks of the secondary equipment to a certain extent, and improve the security of configuration and operation of the secondary equipment in smart substation.
Received: 02 December 2019
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Liu Wenbiao,Wang Weijie,Jiang Nan等. Application and implementation of the security reinforcement for the secondary equipment configuration tool[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 141-145.
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