Technology development and application to shorten the time for emergency repairs of European transformers based on power internet of things |
Liu Fang, Wang Hua |
State Grid Shanghai Shinan Electric Power Supply Company, Shanghai 200233 |
Abstract Shortening the repair time of distribution network faults and improving power supply reliability have become an important task in the development of power in Shanghai in recent years.This paper analyzes the characteristics of the European transformers, and expounds the current situation of long power failure repair time caused by the low voltage breakers' tripping. Actively responding to the requirements of the state grid corporation's ubiquitous power internet of things construction, using the newest and electrically installable sensors in the sensing layer, thus proposing effective measures to shorten the blackout and repair time of the European transformers' low-voltage switch trip, and improve the reliability of the distribution network. Promoted in the jurisdiction of the Shanghai Shinan power supply company, the economic benefits obtained verify the feasibility, and provide practical solutions for the construction of first-class urban smart distribution network.
Received: 17 November 2019
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Liu Fang,Wang Hua. Technology development and application to shorten the time for emergency repairs of European transformers based on power internet of things[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(7): 69-75.
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