Low-carbon power pispatch with wind power integration based on chaotic differential evolution |
Su Lingdong |
State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221000 |
Abstract Consider the low-carbon, environmental, economic and other factors, Low-carbon power dispatch model with wind power integration is formulated, the fuel cost of thermal generators is treated as objective function. Also, the emission of CO2 is inserted as a constraint. In view of the intermittent nature of wind power, the power balance constraint was described in the form of probability. The stochastic constraint is transformed to a deterministic one according to the cumulative distribution function of wind power. Based on Tent map, a novel chaotic differential evolution algorithm for power dispatch model is proposed. In this algorithm, chaotic sequence is applied to initialize the population and obtain the dynamic parameter settings, so the global searching ability is enhanced. The effectiveness of the proposed power dispatch strategy is verified on a system consisting of 10 thermal generators and one wind farm.
Received: 09 January 2020
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Su Lingdong. Low-carbon power pispatch with wind power integration based on chaotic differential evolution[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 46-51.
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