Study on the influence of dry band on electric field distribution of substations pillar insulators |
Xiang Yitong, Wang Yonghua |
Shibei Electric Power Supply Branch Company, State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company,Chongqing 401147 |
Abstract The surface area of post insulator in substation is seriously polluted. In fog or drizzle weather, it is easy to form a dry belt, which leads to frequent flashover accidents. In order to study the causes of the formation of the dry belt on the surface of the post insulator of the substation and its influence on the distribution of the electric field along the surface, the insulator simulation model is established, and the electric field changes before and after the emergence of the pollution and the dry belt are analyzed by using the electric quasi-static field. At the same time, the area where the dry belt is easy to appear and the influence of the position and width of the dry belt on the field strength along the surface are studied. The results show that the electric field distribution on the surface of clean insulator is basically the same as that of polluted insulator, which is asymmetric “U” shape, and the electric field along the surface is basically unchanged, and pollution has little effect on the electric field distribution of insulator. The wet dirt attached to the insulator surface will form a dry belt under the drying effect of leakage current, and the thermal effect between the columns is the largest; with the increase of the width of the dry belt, the field strength of the dry belt on the column decreases gradually, while the maximum field strength of the dry belt on the upper and lower surface of the umbrella skirt increases gradually; the maximum field strength of the dry belt appears at the end of the dry belt.
Received: 20 January 2020
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Xiang Yitong,Wang Yonghua. Study on the influence of dry band on electric field distribution of substations pillar insulators[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 87-92.
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