Modeling and simulation of Xizhe engineering package based on advanced digital power system simulator |
Zhang Yanhao, Li Tai, Du Shaolin, Su Jinguo |
XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract This paper introduces a modeling method of DC control protection functions based on ADPSS. Using the user-defined module function provided by the software, a certain number of custom modules are created to simulate the actual control device. A DC control and protection model is builded by these custom modules and the primary system. The article introduces the creation method of the control protection custom module, the Xizhe DC packaging modeling process and test verification. As the code of the control and protection module is transformed from the actual engineering program, the operation mode of the control and protection logic inside the custom module is almost the same as the actual device, so the accuracy of the model will be very high. Through the test and waveform comparison, the accuracy and precision of the model are proved. The model built by this method can be used for DC calculation in the hybrid simulation of AC and DC power grids, or it can be used alone for field accident inversion and DC operation and maintenance operation training. It has high practicality.
Received: 28 April 2020
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Zhang Yanhao,Li Tai,Du Shaolin等. Modeling and simulation of Xizhe engineering package based on advanced digital power system simulator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(9): 10-17.
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