Design of operation and maintenance tool for smart distribution transformer terminal based on SSH |
Chen Leigang, Song Ziang, Li Ya, Yuan Lei |
CSG Smart Science & Technology Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088 |
Abstract As an important data acquisition and processing equipment in distribution transformer side, smart distribution transformer terminals have great application space and good development prospect. To overcome the shortcomings of using Linux commands to operate directly, and improve the operation and maintenance efficiency, combined with the requirements of simplified remote management of container and APP, an operation and maintenance tool for smart distribution transformer terminals based on SSH protocol was designed. Through SSH protocol and terminal remote network connection and command interaction and analysis, it is helpful to improve the efficiency of the product in the development, testing, production and field operation and maintenance stage.
Received: 20 July 2020
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Chen Leigang,Song Ziang,Li Ya等. Design of operation and maintenance tool for smart distribution transformer terminal based on SSH[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(9): 122-126.
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