Laser communication system of industrial bridge crane based on DDLS 200 optical data sensor |
Xie Junlang, Wei Xiang |
Guangzhou Environmental Protection and Investment Technical Equipment Limited Company, Guangzhou 510100 |
Abstract Because of the hard environment of storage pits and quick movement of the crane, Profibus-DP communication cable bent back and forth on the cable block movement is frequent, leading to lower service life of the communication cable such as loose connect and disconnection. Meanwhile, as the Profibus-DP communication cable is long, a fault is difficult to be found, more time for recovery is needed, and serious impact on the reliability and production safety stability of the crane is produced. Therefore, by using laser communication instead of Profibus-DP communication cable, the safety, reliability, efficiency and maintainability of the crane are greatly improved.
Received: 03 March 2020
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Xie Junlang,Wei Xiang. Laser communication system of industrial bridge crane based on DDLS 200 optical data sensor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(9): 82-85.
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