Application of preventive maintenance and detection technologies for wind power converters |
Dong Li, Xu Wei |
China Guangzhou Nuclear New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd, Beijing 100160 |
Abstract With the continuous and rapid development of wind power industry in the past decade, in China more and more wind generator turbines connected to the grid by converters have gradually crossed the halfway line of life and started to expose a series of component aging failure problems of converter systems. In order to effectively reduce the serious accidents due to the deterioration of wind power converters, this paper summarized the degradation factors of wind power converters and proposed to identify the equipment deterioration status in time by screening and refining the effective condition monitoring quantities so as to realize the preventive detection based on the periodic maintenance. The preventive maintenance principle was presented to elaborate the application of the infrared detection technology and ultrasonic testing technology on the detection of key components of the wind power converters. The application prospect is also summarized and prospected.
Received: 16 March 2020
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Dong Li,Xu Wei. Application of preventive maintenance and detection technologies for wind power converters[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(9): 94-98.
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