Energy saving and standardized layout of high-speed railway traction substation based on new technology of transformer |
CHENG Weijun |
Electrification Corporation China CREC Railway Electrification Bureau (Group) Co., Ltd, Beijing 100000 |
Abstract By the description of the layout and the outgoing way of traction transformer of Beijing Tianjin inter city high-speed railway which operated in initial of high speed railway period and intelligent Beijing Zhangjiakou traction substation which operated at the end of 2019, and combining the new technology of power transformer cable outgoing and the new technology of vegetable insulating oil, the paper proposed the optimized way of energy saving and standardized layout of high-speed railway traction substation under the new technology of traction substation.
Received: 09 June 2020
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CHENG Weijun. Energy saving and standardized layout of high-speed railway traction substation based on new technology of transformer[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 58-62.
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