Analysis on load characteristics of “coal to electricity” in typical days of Beijing suburban power grid in winter |
HAO Chao, ZHANG Haoran, ZHANG Xiaoqi, SUN Zhenkun, MENG Yiming |
Huairou Power Supply Company of State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, Beijing 101400 |
Abstract The load of “coal to electricity” is becoming more and more important in Beijing's winter power grid, and the load growth rate is far beyond the expected value, which brings great pressure to the regional power grid dispatching, emergency repair, service and other work. In order to deeply analyze the load characteristics of “coal to electricity”, based on the “coal to electricity” intelligent service platform, this paper studies the correlation between the total load and temperature, the power consumption characteristics of “coal to electricity” lines and users in a district of Beijing, and summarizes the power consumption law of winter power grid load in this district, which also provides an important reference for regional power grid load forecasting and safe and reliable operation, overall planning of rural power grid, and improving the quality of service.
Received: 22 March 2021
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HAO Chao,ZHANG Haoran,ZHANG Xiaoqi等. Analysis on load characteristics of “coal to electricity” in typical days of Beijing suburban power grid in winter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(10): 17-21.
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