Unit commitment rolling optimization of power system with a large-scale wind farm considering time-varying reserve requirement |
GUI Qianjin1, HUANG Xiangqian1, MAI Li2, XU Ruixiang1 |
1. Anqing Power Supply Company, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd, Anqing, Anhui 246003; 2. State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd, Hefei 230022 |
Abstract The fluctuation and unpredictability of wind power bring difficulties to power system security and economic dispatching. The unit combination of power system including wind power needs to arrange thermal power to reserve sufficient rotating reseve capacity to reduce the impact of wind power fluctuation and prediction error on power system. In this paper, according to the strong time-varying characteristics of wind power prediction error, a rolling optimization model of unit combination in power system with large-scale wind power considering time-varying standby demand is proposed. The model fully considers the time-varying characteristics of wind power prediction error and optimizes the rolling operation scheme of system unit combination. The example analysis proves the effectiveness and feasibility of the model. The analysis shows that the model can meet the time-varying standby demand of the system and ensure the operation safety and economy of the system at different time scales.
Received: 15 April 2021
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GUI Qianjin,HUANG Xiangqian,MAI Li等. Unit commitment rolling optimization of power system with a large-scale wind farm considering time-varying reserve requirement[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(10): 34-42.
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