Study on application of SF6 gas leakage detection technology based on infrared absorption principle |
MA Fengxiang1,2, YUAN Xiaofang1,2, CHENG Dengfeng1,2, ZHU Feng1,2, ZHAO Yue1,2 |
1. Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd, Hefei 230000; 2. SF6 Gas Characteristic Analysis and Purification Technology Laboratory of State Grid Corporation of China, Hefei 230000 |
Abstract During the long-term operation of SF6 decomposition gas on-line monitoring device, SF6 leakage may occur, which will seriously affect the safe operation of primary equipment, so it is necessary to monitor its leakage status. The existing SF6 gas leakage detection methods are compared, and a SF6 gas leakage monitoring method based on nondispersive infrared absorption sensor is proposed. Then the sensor detection circuit and the leakage simulation experimental platform are built. The response characteristics of the sensor to different leakage rates and leakage points, as well as the influence of layout and inlet orientation on the detection characteristics of the sensor are studied. The results show that with the increase of the leakage rate, the response of the sensor increases, the responses of sensors at different positions to three leakage points are different, and the sensor at position 3 has better response characteristics to the three leakage points, which is the preferred location for sensor installation. Besides, the response characteristic of the side layout is better than that of the forward layout. The technology can monitor SF6 leakage at different speeds on-line, and the leakage area can be located by multi-point sensor arrangement.
Received: 23 February 2021
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MA Fengxiang,YUAN Xiaofang,CHENG Dengfeng等. Study on application of SF6 gas leakage detection technology based on infrared absorption principle[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(10): 51-56.
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