Research on frequency regulation of thermal power unit with lithium-ion capacitor |
SHEN Ying1, HUANG Ce1, HU Xidong1, ZHANG Xiaoyuan1, YANG Peihao2 |
1. China Energy Feixian Power Generation Co., Ltd, Feixian, Shandong 276001; 2. Xi'an Thermal Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710054 |
Abstract With the increase of fluctuating grid connected power generation such as wind power and photovoltaic, the task of power system frequency regulation becomes more arduous. In view of the problems of long response time and low climbing rate in traditional domestic frequency regulation resources, this paper proposes a solution using lithium-ion capacitor energy storage to participate in automatic generation control frequency regulation of thermal power units. According to QC/T 74—2014 standard, the energy density and power density of lithium-ion capacitor monomer (HAA4V10000F) are tested, and its cycle stability and cycle life are analyzed. Through the above research, it is verified that the lithium-ion capacitor unit is completely suitable for the frequency regulation field of automatic generation control of thermal power units.
Received: 08 May 2021
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SHEN Ying,HUANG Ce,HU Xidong等. Research on frequency regulation of thermal power unit with lithium-ion capacitor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(10): 98-103.
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