Research and application of intelligent auxiliary system for power supply service in distribution network |
WU Gang1, CHEN Jiangyu2, CAO Yang1, LI Peiqiang2, HUANG Jiyuan1 |
1. Changsha Power Supply Branch of State Grid Hu’nan Electric Power Company, Changsha 410000; 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hu’nan University, Changsha 410082 |
Abstract In view of the existing problems such as heavy manual workload, high delay rate of work order distribution and complex work order circulation system in the current distribution network system, the power supply command service intelligent auxiliary system is developed to realize the distribution and circulation of work order in emergency repair and non-emergency repair. The auxiliary system is simple and reliable to operation, and has high applicability and good scalability, which can improve the intelligent level of the existing power supply command center system, perfect the work process, and simplify the multifarious late business work. It plays a very positive role in providing high quality power supply service for users and realizing the strategic goal of the smart grid.
Received: 16 July 2021
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WU Gang,CHEN Jiangyu,CAO Yang等. Research and application of intelligent auxiliary system for power supply service in distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(12): 46-52.
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