Design and implementation of data collection APP for smart distribution transformer terminal |
TIAN Xingxing, LI Longlong, WANG Rui |
CSG Smart Science&Technology Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088 |
Abstract The intelligent terminal in the power distribution station is an edge device in the intelligent Internet of Things (IoT), which meets the needs of high-performance concurrency, mass storage, and multiple collections. It integrates functions such as information gathering of power supply, data collecting of energy meter, and condition monitoring of equipment in the power distribution station. Aiming at the needs for various data collection in the intelligent terminal, an APP is designed to realize accurate and timely data collection. It, through task configuration, collect and upload the different data of the equipment in the entire power distribution station to data center on time. This APP can avoid read/write channel conflicts, repeated collection of the same data, etc., thus improving the data collection performance of smart distribution transformer terminal.
Received: 24 June 2020
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TIAN Xingxing,LI Longlong,WANG Rui. Design and implementation of data collection APP for smart distribution transformer terminal[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(2): 96-100.
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