Research on optimized scheduling of combined cooling heating and power microgrid based on improved butterfly algorithm |
HE Shusen, LIU Tianyu |
Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 201306 |
Abstract Combined cooling heating and power microgrid is of great significance for the realization of renewable energy development and the construction of a low-carbon society. Aiming at the problem of poor system economics caused by the large number of internal devices and the complicated energy coupling relationship, a scheduling strategy based on optimal economics is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the impact of time-sharing electricity price on the system operation is fully considered, and a microgrid model of combined cooling heating and power is established including renewable energy, energy storage equipment, micro-turbine and absorption chiller. With the system operating cost as the objective function, the economic optimal model is constructed. The traditional butterfly algorithm is improved by the reverse learning strategy and Cauchy mutation, and the optimization accuracy of the algorithm is improved. Taking the traditional scheduling strategy as a comparison, the calculation results show that the proposed scheduling strategy can not only effectively reduce the operating cost, but also effectively absorb the new energy in the system, reducing the phenomenon of abandoning wind and light.
Received: 23 July 2020
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HE Shusen,LIU Tianyu. Research on optimized scheduling of combined cooling heating and power microgrid based on improved butterfly algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(3): 14-19.
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