Research on application of power equipment engineering technical service based on augmented reality technology |
LIU Gui, LIU Liang, SHUAI Wei, CAO Jie, SUN Xu |
NR Electric Power Electronics Co., Ltd, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213025 |
Abstract In order to solve the problems of shortage of professional and technical personnel, high service cost and untimely handling of technical problems in the management process of power equipment engineering technical service project, based on the experience of on-site engineering technical service, this paper applies the augmented reality technology to the business work in all stages of engineering technical service project management. Through technology and market research, technical solutions are determined. The system is applied to each stage of the project management business process to realize the remote online work instruction and convenient record and management of engineering technical services, thus reducing service costs and improving service quality and project management level.
Received: 07 September 2020
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LIU Gui,LIU Liang,SHUAI Wei等. Research on application of power equipment engineering technical service based on augmented reality technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(4): 81-85.
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