Blade angle calibration method of electric variable pitch system based on proximity switch |
WANG Zhenwei, LIU Jiawei |
Gu'an Huadian Tianren Control Equipment Co., Ltd, Langfang, Hebei 065500 |
Abstract The accuracy of blade angle is an important guarantee for the wind turbine. For the problem of blade angle calibration, a method of blade angle calibration based on proximity switch is proposed in this paper. By locating the installation position of the proximity switch, the angle deviation of the actual blade can be calibrated by the trigger angle range of the proximity switch. Through the field test, this method can ensure the accuracy of calibration and achieve the cost optimization.
Received: 21 September 2020
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WANG Zhenwei,LIU Jiawei. Blade angle calibration method of electric variable pitch system based on proximity switch[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(5): 102-106.
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