Model predictive optimal control strategy of unbalance compensation |
ZHANG Tao1,2, GUO Feiyang1,2, WANG Junliang1,3 |
1. He’nan Jiuyu EPRI Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450052; 2. He’nan Hezhong Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450001; 3. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid He’nan Electric Power Company, Zhengzhou 450052 |
Abstract There are three-phase unbalance problems in three-phase four wire system of distribution network. In order to reduce the negative sequence and zero sequence components introduced by the imbalance and ensure the power quality of the power supply system, an unbalanced control model predictive optimal control strategy is proposed, based on the power quality management device with three-phase four-wire capacitor split converter topology. The current prediction model under the αβ0 coordinate system is established. The value function is established and the corresponding switching state of the next cycle is selected. The negative sequence and zero sequence current compensation is realized to ensure three power quality of low-voltage distribution network under unbalanced phase conditions. Finally, the simulation and experimental results show that the control strategy can effectively suppress the zero sequence current in the system and reduce the three-phase unbalance.
Received: 01 December 2020
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ZHANG Tao,GUO Feiyang,WANG Junliang. Model predictive optimal control strategy of unbalance compensation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(7): 48-52.
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