Development of equipotential insulation ladder for 500kV compact double circuit transmission line live working |
WANG Puzhai1, JIANG Lei2, YI Nanjian2, CHEN Weilin1, GUO Hao3,4,5 |
1. State Grid Hu’nan Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd, Changsha 410100; 2. State Grid Hu’nan Electric Power Co., Ltd, Changsha 410100; 3. State Grid Hu’nan Transmission & Maintenance Company, Hengyang, Hu’nan 421000; 4. Intelligent Live Working Technology and Equipment Key Laboratory of Hu’nan Province (2016TP1025), Changsha 410100; 5. Live Inspection and Intelligent Operation Technolgoy State Grid orporation Laboratory, Changsha 410100 |
Abstract The 500kV compact double circuit transmission line has a limited safety distance during live working, and the operation is difficult. For this purpose, a 180° rotating telescopic insulation ladder is designed. The tool uses a safety rope to increase the stability of the ladder, thereby improving the safety of the operation. Its scalability increases the convenience of carrying, and the extension of the ladder is controlled by the traction rope. According to theoretical and experimental analysis, the insulation strength and material strength of the developed telescopic insulation ladder meet the use requirements. Compared with the insulated ladder, the installation is more convenient and the operation is simpler. It can provide better live working conditions for 500kV compact double circuit transmission line.
Received: 05 December 2020
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WANG Puzhai,JIANG Lei,YI Nanjian等. Development of equipotential insulation ladder for 500kV compact double circuit transmission line live working[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(7): 60-64.
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