Construction and application of intelligent operation inspection and control system for converter station |
CHEN Biao |
Zhejiang Hangzhou Fuyang Power Supply Company, Hangzhou 311400 |
Abstract New technologies such as three-dimensional real-world modeling, one-key sequence control, automatic inspection and mobile operations have begun to develop and apply. The traditional maintenance system can no longer adapt to the substation that combines the characteristics of a strong smart grid and power Internet of Things. This paper proposes a substation intelligent operation inspection and control system based on information panoramic visualization. This system establishes a three-dimensional real-world model of the substation, applies the power Internet of Things big data fusion bearer, and applies three-dimensional visualized intelligent management and control. In this way, the functions of accurate measurement of the entire substation space, real-time display of wiring diagrams, three-dimensional physical display of alignment equipment, three-dimensional real-life demonstration of vehicle models, personnel positioning, three-dimensional animation of equipment abnormal alarms, and power Internet of Things data statistics and comparison are realized. It improves the efficiency of substation operation and maintenance, equipment control and personnel management.
Received: 15 December 2020
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CHEN Biao. Construction and application of intelligent operation inspection and control system for converter station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(8): 104-108.
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