Optimization of retard strategy for rectifier side of Belo Monte II HVDC |
LÜ Yanbei, LI Lin, GONG Fei |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract The rectifier side executes retard strategy to eliminate the DC fault current when the DC system protection acts. In order to solve the problem of commutation failure on the rectifier side when retarding to 164 degrees directly in the 60Hz AC system in Brazil, an optimization method of retard strategy on the rectifier side is proposed, which is retarding to 120 degrees firstly and then to 164 degrees after remaining 120 degrees for some time or having eliminated the DC current basically for situations in which commutation failure happens easily. In this paper, firstly, the mechanism of commutation failure during retard on the rectifier side is deeply analyzed. Then an optimization method of retard strategy on the rectifier side is proposed and its specific implementation is given according to the analysis results and Belo Monte II HVDC engineering test experience. The method is verified on the RTDS test platform. The test results prove the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. It has certain reference significance for other DC transmission projects.
Received: 10 August 2021
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