Simulation research on frequency response of transformer winding deformation base on Matlab |
CHEN Jie, LAN Sheng, LIN Ye, XU Minglong, ZHU Zhihao |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract Frequency response analysis (FRA) is one of the main methods to detect the winding deformation of power transformer. This paper takes the three-winding transformer as the research object and proposes a model that considers the mutual inductance between each unit and the capacitance between the adjacent windings. Firstly, the equivalent circuit parameters of normal and deformed windings are calculated through the simulation of finite element software Ansys Maxwell. Secondly, according to the equivalent circuit obtained by the simulation, the state space model is established in Matlab. The frequency response is calculated through the parameter matrix, and the influence of two typical winding deformation types of the axis deviation of the high voltage winding and the change of the gap between the disks offset is obtained. The research results have a certain reference value for extracting the feature vector reflecting the frequency response characteristics and realizing the identification of transformer winding deformation type.
Received: 30 September 2021
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CHEN Jie,LAN Sheng,LIN Ye等. Simulation research on frequency response of transformer winding deformation base on Matlab[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(3): 23-30.
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