Research and development of three-remote signal single-end checking system in substation |
OUYANG Zhibin, WU Xiaotian |
State Grid Taizhou Power Supply Company, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300 |
Abstract In order to solve the low efficiency of signal verification in substations, an information transmission and receiving system which can realize signal single-end check is researched and developed. The power wireless transmission is used innovatively to break through the barriers of information transmission in the power intranet. A dedicated server is used to securely obtain the three-remote data of each plant, which is transmitted through the special network of power access point name (APN). The mobile application for receiving the data is developed to realize the remote acquisition of the three-remote signal. In the signal acceptance process, without the cooperation of background personnel, the field staff can use the mobile terminal to realize the single-end verification. Tests and applications show that the use of single-end verification system can reduce the number of operators from five to two, shorten the average verification time of single signal by one-third, and improve work efficiency significantly.
Received: 23 August 2021
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OUYANG Zhibin,WU Xiaotian. Research and development of three-remote signal single-end checking system in substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(3): 45-49.
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