Research on investment and construction of commercial electric vehicle charging station in housing estate |
LIU Dong, MENG Chenxu, PAN Zhengyang, LU Jiyuan, LI Jingnan |
State Grid Beijing Tongzhou Electric Power Supply Company, Beijing 101101 |
Abstract Demand for charging stations is bound to grow substantially with increase of electric vehicle’s production and sales volume. Highly consistent with the carbon neutral policy and market preference, electric vehicle is an important mode of alternative power application on consumer side. To build charging stations in housing estate is an efficient way to reach majority of personal-use electric vehicles. In this paper, the data of commercial charging stations in housing estates is analyzed by estimating the presumptive investment and income. This paper proposes a multi-beneficial business model of charging station construction and provides feasible suggestions on future improvement under the charging habits of potential users.
Received: 25 February 2022
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LIU Dong,MENG Chenxu,PAN Zhengyang等. Research on investment and construction of commercial electric vehicle charging station in housing estate[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(6): 104-108.
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