Design and implementation of intelligent power line inspection robot |
QIAN Danyang1, ZHOU Weihua1, SHUAI Xuechao2 |
1. Taizhou Vocational & Technical College, Taizhou, Zhejiang 318000; 2. Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018 |
Abstract A design and implementation scheme of intelligent power line patrol robot is proposed. Firstly, the functional requirements of the line patrol robot are analyzed. Using the lightweight design idea, the structural design scheme of the line patrol robot is proposed, which has the functions of autonomous walking, obstacle climbing, slope climbing and so on. Secondly, an electrical control platform based on robot operating system (ROS) is designed to obtain 3D laser point cloud, position and orientation system (POS) data, digital image and other data in real time. Thirdly, the data fusion method is designed by fusing 3D laser, pose, vision and other data. Finally, after testing, the performance parameters of the experimental prototype can meet the requirements of engineering application research.
Received: 10 February 2022
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QIAN Danyang,ZHOU Weihua,SHUAI Xuechao. Design and implementation of intelligent power line inspection robot[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(7): 46-49.
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