Problems and improvement measures of fast switching system for the auxiliary power in power plant with single bus with subsection connection |
LI Zhou1, FANG Zichao2, LING Tongtong2, CAO Luyao1, DUN Xiaobao2 |
1. Xi’an YiTong Thermal Power Technology Service Co.,Ltd,Xi’an 710061; 2. Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co.,Ltd,Xi’an 710061 |
Abstract This paper introduces a main wiring form applied to the auxiliary power system of combined cycle power plant (CCPP), and analyzes the reasons why the original fast-switching system for the auxiliary power cannot achieve safe and fast switching under this wiring method. The design, protection configuration and secondary circuit are improved, and the feasibility of the improved scheme is verified through the actual test.
Received: 11 February 2022
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LI Zhou,FANG Zichao,LING Tongtong等. Problems and improvement measures of fast switching system for the auxiliary power in power plant with single bus with subsection connection[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(8): 91-94.
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