Control strategy for hybrid cascaded direct current transmission system based on dynamic simulation |
CHANG Haotian, LI Jianchun, ZHAO Wenqiang, SHI Qiaoming |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract This paper mainly discusses the topology of a hybrid DC transmission system in which the conventional line-commuted converter (LCC) is used on the rectifier side, the conventional LCC is used on the high valve of the inverter side, and three voltage source converters (VSC) are used on the low valve of the hybrid DC transmission system. This topology has the advantages of both LCC and VSC. This paper analyzes the control strategies of start stop pole, low valve group on/off, VSC single valve incorporation, VSC AC voltage fault in hybrid DC transmission system, gives the parameter design method of dynamic simulation system, and finally proves the effectiveness of the control strategy through simulation tests.
Received: 27 October 2022
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CHANG Haotian,LI Jianchun,ZHAO Wenqiang等. Control strategy for hybrid cascaded direct current transmission system based on dynamic simulation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(1): 50-59.
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