Analysis and experiment of high frequency harmonic protection scheme in Xiamen flexible HVDC transmission project |
CHEN Mingquan1,2, XIAO Shiting1, YAN Changhua1,2, SHI Qingshan1, WU Jinfu1,2 |
1. Fujian Zhongshisuo Electric Power Testing & Commission Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350007; 2. State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute, Fuzhou 350007 |
Abstract Most domestic and foreign flexible HVDC transmission projects have experienced varying degrees of high frequency oscillations after being connected to the power grid. After adopting corresponding mitigation strategies, the high frequency oscillation problem still cannot be completely solved. In this paper, combined with the new application example of high frequency harmonic protection in Xiamen flexible HVDC transmission project, the principle, criterion and other logic of the high frequency harmonic protection are explained in detail. The feasibility of the scheme is verified through simulation experiments and field test. At the same time, corresponding optimization suggestions are proposed to address the shortcomings of high frequency harmonic protection, in order to provide reference for similar projects.
Received: 01 September 2023
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CHEN Mingquan,XIAO Shiting,YAN Changhua等. Analysis and experiment of high frequency harmonic protection scheme in Xiamen flexible HVDC transmission project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(10): 79-84.
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