A state evaluation method for heavy haul railway traction transformers based on health index and unequal interval grey prediction |
YANG Gehui1, ZHAO Tongxi1, YAO Xin2, ZHANG Wanqi3, MENG Lingyu3 |
1. Power Supply Branch of Guoneng Xinshuo Railway Co., Ltd, Ordos, Inner Mongolia 010300; 2. Xuejiawan Power Supply Branch, Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd, Ordos, Inner Mongolia 010300; 3. School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 |
Abstract Traction transformers (TRs) are key equipment in the traction power supply system of heavy haul railways (HHRs). With the increase of operating mileage and service time of HHR, the safety hazards caused by their performance degradation have gradually become an important issue for equipment and property safety. In response to the shortcomings of traditional passive maintenance and repair modes, this paper proposes a state evaluation model based on comprehensive health index and iterative prediction to achieve predictive maintenance analysis. This method is divided into two steps. Firstly, based on the internal parameters and routine test parameters of the TR, the status of the TR is evaluated, and a quantitative comprehensive health index is given according to the weight. Then, a risk prediction and evaluation method for traction transformer equipment is designed, using a non equidistant grey prediction model to predict the remaining life of the traction transformer status. Qualitative analysis of the health state of the traction transformer is provided. Through on-site maintenance records, the prediction results are compared with the actual transformer status, and the accuracy of the prediction is statistically analyzed. Based on the prediction results, the model is iteratively optimized to improve the accuracy of the evaluation, Based on this, a “monitoring-evaluation-analysis suggestion” model for the traction transformer of heavy-duty railways is established. Finally, the model mentioned in this paper is verified by the data of the traction transformer of a heavy haul railway traction electrical substation from 2015 to 2020, and the results show that the method is feasible.
Received: 04 September 2023
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YANG Gehui,ZHAO Tongxi,YAO Xin等. A state evaluation method for heavy haul railway traction transformers based on health index and unequal interval grey prediction[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(11): 10-17.
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