Design of the smart gateway of HVDC fault recording system based on virtual modeling |
ZHANG Zipeng1, TIAN Ping2, WU Chunsheng1, LI Jinqi1, WANG Qiyuan1 |
1. HVDC Department of XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He'nan 461000; 2. School of Information Engineering, Xuchang Vocational Technical College, Xuchang, He'nan 461000 |
Abstract The HVDC transmission fault recording smart gateway based on virtual modeling technology models all wave recording devices in the converter station as wave recording logic devices, detects the files generated in the fault recording data area of all wave recording devices in real time, generates redirect files, drives the wave recording logic devices, adopts IEC 61850 communication protocol and expands file access services to achieve communication with the intelligent wave recording master station of the dispatching center. It can solve the problems of frequent startup of HVDC transmission fault recording system and huge number of recording files.
Received: 14 November 2022
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ZHANG Zipeng,TIAN Ping,WU Chunsheng等. Design of the smart gateway of HVDC fault recording system based on virtual modeling[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(3): 64-68.
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