Analysis and treatment of a 330MW turbine-generator rotor winding short circuit fault |
ZHANG Jianjun1, YUE Xiaoming1, ZHAO Kebin2, XU Gaosheng1 |
1. CR Power Energy Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450052; 2. Xinxiang Yuxin Power Generation Co., Ltd, Xinxiang, He'nan 453000 |
Abstract This paper analyzes an accident of a 300MW steam turbine generator that could not be started and connected to the grid due to a one-point grounding fault of the rotor and serious magnetization of the large shaft caused by a short circuit between the rotor windings. According to the analysis, creep plastic deformation occurred in the rotor steam end results in the insulation gap between the packages smaller. The copper wire of the coil is heated and expanded, which causes a sudden short-circuit fault between the 7 and 8 sets of winding during starting. Finally, corresponding improvement suggestions are proposed and the rotor shaft is demagnetized.
Received: 28 November 2022
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ZHANG Jianjun,YUE Xiaoming,ZHAO Kebin等. Analysis and treatment of a 330MW turbine-generator rotor winding short circuit fault[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(3): 69-72.
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