Evaluation of electromagnetic exposure of passengers wearing cardiac pacemakers in the compartment by 450MHz wireless train dispatching system |
WU Hao, TIAN Rui |
Key Laboratory of Optical Technology and Intelligent Control of Ministry of Education, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070 |
Abstract Research on the electromagnetic compatibility of pacemakers mainly focuses on medical scenarios, and there is no consensus on the potential impact of high-frequency electromagnetic waves generated by 450MHz wireless column antenna on passengers wearing pacemakers on high-speed trains. This work aims to evaluate the electromagnetic field generated by wireless column antenna to determine its potential impact on human health. Through the analysis of the electric field strength, specific absorption rate (SAR) of the passenger's body and heart, and the temperature change of the heart and pacemaker under antenna radiation for 30 minutes. The results show that the average SAR value of the heart and the passenger's body after antenna radiation is 0.000 223W/kg and 0.001 23W/kg, respectively, and the temperature rise of the heart and the body is 0.000 06K and 0.000 5K, respectively. The evaluation is conducted in accordance with international standard. The results indicate that the radiation level of the electromagnetic field is below the limit of international standard and will not harm human health.
Received: 09 March 2023
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WU Hao,TIAN Rui. Evaluation of electromagnetic exposure of passengers wearing cardiac pacemakers in the compartment by 450MHz wireless train dispatching system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(5): 6-10.
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