A comprehensive control method for reactive power compensation in low-voltage power distribution system |
HUANG Chunguang1, SHANG Xiaofeng2 |
1. Acrel Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201801; 2. China Electronic Engineering Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210000 |
Abstract Reactive power compensation is an important link in the power quality management of low-voltage power distribution system. With the existing reactive power compensation technologies, multiple independent reactive power compensation controllers are used for multiple reactive power compensation cabinets, which makes it difficult to effectively allocate them during normal operation, causing repeated switching of capacitors inside the cabinets, and resulting in rapid aging and damage of the fully loaded reactive power cabinet. At the same time, the static var generator (SVG) cannot achieve the overall control of the capacitors, and the millisecond level response speed keeps itself in a fully loaded working state, unable to leverage its advantages. So a comprehensive control method for reactive power compensation is proposed, which controls the LC and SVG compensation modules in real-time by collecting voltage, current, and power in the power system, and it is applied to actual engineering projects. The application results show that this control method has good effects on improving power supply quality and increasing the power factor of the system.
Received: 22 May 2023
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HUANG Chunguang,SHANG Xiaofeng. A comprehensive control method for reactive power compensation in low-voltage power distribution system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(7): 77-82.
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