Interference prediction and filter design based on permanent magnet synchronous motor driving system conducting electromagnetic interference model |
WU Yanfei |
Xiangyang Hangli Electromechanical Technology Development Co., Ltd, Xiangyang, Hubei 441052 |
Abstract Electromagnetic interference (EMI) exists widely in field coupling and has serious harm, and it can be effectively suppressed by EMI filter. In this article, a predictable conducted EMI filter simulation model of permanent magnet synchronous motor is established based on PSIM, and interference prediction of common mode (CM), differential mode (DM) and EMI is carried out in the model without insertion EMI filter. The reduction of 10dB safety margin of the interference limiting spectral line specified by Mil-Std 461 (28V) is taken as the reference spectral line. By comparing the reference spectral line with the interference prediction, the frequency band with severe interference is obtained. Accordingly, the PSIM EMI Design Suite is used to design the power filter and the product EMC test, and the feasibility of the design method is verified.
Received: 15 May 2023
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WU Yanfei. Interference prediction and filter design based on permanent magnet synchronous motor driving system conducting electromagnetic interference model[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(8): 37-43.
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