Study on trap distribution characteristics and energy storage performance improvement of polypropylene nanocomposites |
ZHANG Yuanshuo, MIN Daomin, GAO Ziwei, ZHU Yuanwei, WANG Shihang |
State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049 |
Abstract In order to explore the trap distribution characteristics of nanocomposite dielectrics and its mechanism of improving energy storage performance, three polypropylene nanocomposite dielectrics are prepared, and their physicochemical, dielectric and energy storage properties are tested. The test results show that the samples doped with boron nitride nanosheets have higher melting temperature, crystallinity, polarization strength, resistivity, breakdown strength and energy storage density. The experimental results show that the electric field dependence of pure polypropylene and nanocomposites conforms to the hopping conductance model under the exponential trap. The temperature dependence meets the Meyer-Neldel compensation rule, which indicates that the mechanism of exponential distribution trap in nanocomposite dielectric is the same as that of matrix. The fitting results show that nano-doping mainly changes the deepest trap energy in the composites, which is proportional to the crystallinity. The mechanism of increasing trap energy level and energy storage density is explained based on fringed microbeam model. This indicates that the ordered and tight interfacial region of the nanocomposites will restrict the movement of molecules, thus hindering charge transport and energy accumulation, which will improve the resistivity and breakdown strength of the material, and finally realize the improvement of energy storage performance.
Received: 24 June 2023
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ZHANG Yuanshuo,MIN Daomin,GAO Ziwei等. Study on trap distribution characteristics and energy storage performance improvement of polypropylene nanocomposites[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(9): 11-19.
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