Optimal configuration of photovoltaic energy storage systems in residential communities taking into account energy storage battery life decay |
SHANG Liqun1, ZHANG Jiantao1,2 |
1. College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054; 2. DAYUN Automobile Co., Ltd, Yuncheng, Shanxi 044000 |
Abstract Configuration of photovoltaic systems in residential communities can reduce the power supply pressure of the power system, and configuration of energy storage devices can reduce the photovoltaic light abandonment rate, while realizing the temporal and spatial transfer of loads, and reducing the peak-valley difference of loads. In order to make the configuration of photovoltaic storage system in residential communities more reasonable, the influence of the number of charge/discharge and the depth of charge/discharge on the life of the storage battery is adopted, and the dynamic loss model of the storage battery is established through the improvement of the curve-fitting method and the linear segmentation processing method, to obtain a more accurate curve-fitting function and a segmented linear function that is more appropriate to the original curve. The maximum average annual net return is taken as the objective function, and the photovoltaic storage system is optimized. Finally, the photovoltaic output value and load demand value are obtained by using different weight solving methods. The multi-objective particle swarm algorithm is used to simulate the configuration of photovoltaic storage system in residential communities under different operation scenarios. The opera-tion strategy of the optical storage system under different operation scenarios is analyzed by comparison simulation. The results show that the operation of the residential district storage system is more effective in terms of economy and peak shaving under the grid-connected scenarios, and the rationality and effectiveness of the model adopted are verified, which provides a reference for the planning and construction of residential district optical storage system.
Received: 06 October 2023
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SHANG Liqun,ZHANG Jiantao. Optimal configuration of photovoltaic energy storage systems in residential communities taking into account energy storage battery life decay[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(2): 1-11.
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