Test and defect analysis of low-voltage diesel generator emergency power supply vehicle |
LI Xu1, LU Jiajun2, PAN Min2 |
1. Guangdong Testing Institute of Product Quality Supervision, Guangzhou 510670; 2. China National Quality Testing and Inspection Center for Smart Grid Transmission and Distribution Equipment (Guangdong), Dongguan, Guangdong 523325 |
Abstract As an important equipment to guarantee power supply, the reliability of low-voltage diesel generator emergency power supply vehicles is particularly important. For this reason, 10 active emergency power supply vehicles are selected in this paper. According to the characteristics of the selected power supply vehicles, testing schemes are designed and quality testing is carried out. The quality defects found are analyzed. It is expected to give some reference to the users, suppliers and testing institutions of emergency power supply vehicles in the procurement, acceptance check, use, scrap, identification and quality testing of the equipment.
Received: 12 October 2023
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LI Xu,LU Jiajun,PAN Min. Test and defect analysis of low-voltage diesel generator emergency power supply vehicle[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(2): 52-61.
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