Comprehensive evaluation method of voltage sag considering interval-type indices |
LIN Hongzhou, NIAN Kaixin, ZHENG Feng, LIU Wenran, ZHENG Wenjian |
State Grid Fuzhou Changle District Electric Power Supply Company, Fuzhou 350200 |
Abstract For fully and accurately evaluating the voltage sag level in the textile industry, a comprehensive evaluation method considering interval-type indices is proposed. Firstly, a multi-index set is constructed based on the monitoring data. Secondly, the weight of each index is determined by using analytic hierarchy process and improved interval criteria importance though intercrieria correlation (CRITIC) method, and then the comprehensive weight is obtained based on game theory. Next, by defining the interval number difference relation, the non-integer order rank-sum ratio method is used to evaluate and grade the voltage sag level at each monitoring point. Finally, eight sets of monitoring data from the textile industry are used for case analysis, and the results show that the proposed method can evaluate the voltage sag level of each monitoring point reasonably.
Received: 24 December 2023
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LIN Hongzhou,NIAN Kaixin,ZHENG Feng等. Comprehensive evaluation method of voltage sag considering interval-type indices[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(6): 47-55.
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