Insulator defect detection method based on Transformer and information fusion |
CHEN Tianhang1, ZENG Yezhan1, DENG Qian2, ZHONG Chunliang1 |
1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hu’nan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, Hu’nan 412007;; 2. College of Rail Transit, Hu’nan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, Hu’nan 412007 |
Abstract Aiming at the existing insulator aerial images, which have complex backgrounds and are difficult to detect flashover and broken defects, a global and local information fusion (GLIF)-you only look once v8s (YOLOv8s) insulator detection algorithm is proposed. The algorithm uses EfficientFormerV2 as the backbone network to improve the model’s ability to extract global information. A feature enhancement module (FEM) is designed based on global and local information to reduce the loss of deep network information through information fusion. Ablation experiments and comparison experiments are carried out on insulators defects dataset, and the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves 77.5% class-wide average accuracy, and its flashover and broken defect detection accuracy reaches 67.7% and 73.5%. Compared with other mainstream algorithms, the detection frame confidence of the proposed algorithm is higher.
Received: 25 April 2024
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CHEN Tianhang,ZENG Yezhan,DENG Qian等. Insulator defect detection method based on Transformer and information fusion[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 11-17.
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