Low-frequency oscillation suppression strategy based on the energy function and improved virtual synchronization control |
LIU Wei1, LIU Xinyue1,2 |
1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163318; 2. Hainan Sanya Oil and Gas Research Institute, Northeast Petroleum University, Sanya, Hainan 572000 |
Abstract The power grid’s stability has substantially declined as a result of the growing popularity of renewable energy sources and the scale at which power electronic equipment is being installed. In light of this, virtual synchronous generator (VSG) technology has drawn a lot of attention lately. Nevertheless, the virtual rotor speed of the VSG experiences abrupt variations when the grid connection of synchronous generators is disrupted, leading to notable oscillations in the output of the system. This research suggests an enhanced approach to VSG regulation in order to reduce these variations. The lead and lag loop-based proposed VSG control has more power and inertia. The idea of an energy function is presented, which provides a fresh approach to control. How the VSG settings affect the system’s low-frequency oscillations is analyzed using the energy function. The output energy is controlled, energy transfer between the VSG and the system is lessened, and the low-frequency oscillations in renewable energy generating systems are more effectively suppressed by modifying the VSG settings. Matlab/Simulink and a variety of semi-physical modeling platforms are used for simulation to prove that this strategy can successfully suppress low-frequency oscillations in renewable energy systems.
Received: 18 March 2024
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LIU Wei,LIU Xinyue. Low-frequency oscillation suppression strategy based on the energy function and improved virtual synchronization control[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(9): 1-8.
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