Passivity Robust Control of Single-phase Electric Arc Furnace Electrode Regulating System |
Zhao Shuang, Liu Xiaohe |
School of Automation, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192 |
Abstract The mathematical model of the electrode regulator system of Single-phase arc furnace was built. The nonlinearity of the electrode regulator system are analyzed. On this basis, against the complexity, poor tracking performance and poor inhibition for the disturbance of arc length issue ofelectric arc furnace electrode regulator system, a Passivity robust controller of. electric arc furnace electrode regulator system was designed. the Passivity robust control of the Single-phase electric arc furnace was realized. A single-phase motor was controlled by the Passivity robust controller basing on simulink. The result shows that the method has good tracking performance and good inhibition for the disturbance of arc length.
Published: 20 April 2015
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Zhao Shuang,Liu Xiaohe. Passivity Robust Control of Single-phase Electric Arc Furnace Electrode Regulating System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(04): 43-48.
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