The Research on Location Method of Partial Discharge in High Voltage Switchgear based on TEV Sensors and TOA Algorithm |
Mai Qianjian1, Zhong Yue1, Tang Ming2, Li Hongjie2 |
1. Wuzhou Power Bureau of Guangxi Electric Power Company, Wuzhou, Guangxi 543002; 2. School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049 |
Abstract This paper presents a partial discharge (PD) pulse extraction and starting point identification method by time of arrival (TOA) method using threshold method, energy method, AIC method, and Gabor method, which aims to achieve the automatic location of PD sources. PDs location based on the above mentioned algorithm firstly carried out in the laboratory. Then, to verify the algorithm, the authors conducted the PDs source location of switchgear which existed some suspected discharges by routine inspection on-site in a substation of Wuzhou Power Bureau. The localization results showed that the upper cabinet of the switchboard existed partial discharge and the disassembling results of the switchboard verified the inspection and location results.
Published: 02 June 2015
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Mai Qianjian,Zhong Yue,Tang Ming等. The Research on Location Method of Partial Discharge in High Voltage Switchgear based on TEV Sensors and TOA Algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(06): 1-6.
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