Comparative Studies between Inductive Coupling and Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transmission |
Liu Hongwei1, Zhang Bo2, Huang Runhong2, Xiao Wenxun2, Guo Shanghua1 |
1. Zhuhai XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519060; 2. School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640 |
Abstract Wireless power transmission technology is the emerging power transfer mode and has wide applied prospects. Currently, inductive coupling power transmission (ICPT) and resonant coupling wireless power transmission have been received extensive attention. Based on electromagnetic induction principle, low frequency, low transmission distance and high efficiency are the characteristic of ICPT. On the other hand, transfer power in middle range distance with high efficiency is achieved by resonant coupling method. Moreover, spatial location and obstructions is not influenced the resonant coupling method, but its frequency is in MHz range. In this paper, the difference between these two wireless power transmission technologies in principle models and applications is compared and the key problems of the technologies is analyzed, which can supply the references for the design and application of these two wireless power transmission.
Published: 02 June 2015
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Liu Hongwei,Zhang Bo,Huang Runhong等. Comparative Studies between Inductive Coupling and Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transmission[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(06): 7-13.
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