Research on Negative Current Control Strategy of Three-phase PWM Converter under Unbalance Grid Voltage |
Zhang Yiyan, Lu Xianfeng, Qin Qingfeng |
Jiading Power Supply Company of State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electronic Power, Shanghai 201800 |
Abstract In this paper, it analyzes the mathematical model of three-phase PWM converter under unbalanced grid voltage. Basing on the mathematical model, a novel negative sequence current control strategy of three-phase voltage source PWM converter under unbalance grid is proposed. The novel strategy uses a novel PLL technique to detect the positive and negative sequence of unbalance grid. Negative current closed-loop control strategy is used in the novel strategy to decrease the negative component in the grid current. Finally, the simulation verified the correctness and rationality of the proposed method.
Received: 18 August 2015
Published: 18 August 2015
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Zhang Yiyan,Lu Xianfeng,Qin Qingfeng. Research on Negative Current Control Strategy of Three-phase PWM Converter under Unbalance Grid Voltage[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(8): 19-24.
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