The Non-contact Method based on Self-excited Principle to Measure Dielectric Loss of CVT |
Deng Xudong, Wen Yuanxi, Wei Gang, Yao Lin |
State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Co. Maintenance Branch Company, Chongqing 400039 |
Abstract A non-contact method was presented to measure CVT dielectric loss. Synchronous sampling of voltage and current waveforms from CVT are made in non-contact measurement platform by self-excited method. Then the electrical parameters will be transmitted by the wireless WIFI to the PC side. The dielectric loss angle ( ) can be obtained by analyzing those waves with Harmonic Analysis on LabVIEW software platform. The test shows that this method can effectively measure the various capacitor dielectric loss and capacitance values of CVT. Meanwhile, the electrical parameters can be visualized to monitor the long-term insulating state of CVT by this way. Some actual measurement of dielectric loss has verified the safety and reliability of the method.
Received: 18 August 2015
Published: 18 August 2015
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Deng Xudong,Wen Yuanxi,Wei Gang等. The Non-contact Method based on Self-excited Principle to Measure Dielectric Loss of CVT[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(8): 76-79.
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