The Study of Connection Modes of Middle-voltage Distribution Network with Distributed Generation |
Xu Ke, Xian Xing, Cheng Jie, Tao Fen |
Hubei Electric Power Survey & Design Institute, Wuhan 430040 |
Abstract This paper study on the reliability and economic analysis of connection modes of middle-voltage distribution network with distributed power. Combined distributed power demand situation, the wiring under study distribution automation reliability, economic analysis model, quantitative calculation reliability and economy-related indicators, the distribution network reliability index in the form translated into economic power loss indicators were added to the economy in planning to wiring the unit load reliability lowest economic cost planning objectives, obtain the recommended urban medium voltage distribution network wiring. The study has some significance for the urban medium voltage distribution network planning.
Published: 20 November 2015
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Xu Ke,Xian Xing,Cheng Jie等. The Study of Connection Modes of Middle-voltage Distribution Network with Distributed Generation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 16-22.
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