Simulation and Analysis of ±200MVar STATCOM Static Control Strategy |
Zheng Chuancai, Lao Zhixuan, Xu Xueli |
Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau Ltd., Guangzhou 510620 |
Abstract Because of Large-scale power grid with AC-DC hybrid system, system voltage stability and reactive power compensation state become increasingly important. Mechanical reactive power compensation cooperated with STATCOM in control can be achieved given target reactive and constant voltage control bus STATCOM can achieved the effect of constant reactive power or constant voltage. Also, it can Response timely dispatch reactive curve. On the basic of analyzing Static Control Strategy of STACOM, PSCAD simulation model is established to research its steady-state controlling strategies. Constant voltage or constant reactive performances are simulated. It shows that performance of the result can Achieve control objectives. The research has better guidance to the follow-up project application.
Published: 20 November 2015
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Zheng Chuancai,Lao Zhixuan,Xu Xueli. Simulation and Analysis of ±200MVar STATCOM Static Control Strategy[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 53-56.
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