The Method of Power Pulse Driving and Technology Research of Space Electric Power Fetching |
Yang Lixin, Hou Kenan |
Beijing Smart Chip Microelectronics Co., Ltd, Beijing 102200 |
Abstract This paper proposes a method of power pulse drive,power pulse generator technology implementation,and space fetching technology. The voltage of the electric power is obtained from the high voltage transmission line by using the bipolar plate electric field induction. A capacitor is formed by erecting two plates parallel to the earth between the high-voltage line and the earth. The high voltage electric field between the high-voltage wire and the earth will cause a voltage difference between the poles of the capacitor, and this voltage difference is the driving voltage of the power pulse. The driving AC voltage is converted into DC by rectification, and the DC power is stored and output. The DC signal could control the MOSFET conduction and the shutdown, the output of DC power is converted to the power pulse signal. The signal causes the transistor to have two safe breakdown. Finally, the output pulse signal can drive the load.
Published: 22 March 2016
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Yang Lixin,Hou Kenan. The Method of Power Pulse Driving and Technology Research of Space Electric Power Fetching[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(3): 27-29.
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