Capacity Optimization of Wind/PV/Storage Hybrid Power Generation Customer under Time-of-Use Pricing Policy and Heuristic Operational Strategies |
Weng Guiping1, Pan Xia2, Shao Zhenguo1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116; 2. State Grid Electric Power Co., Ltd, Fujian Ningde Power Company, Ningde, Fujian 352000 |
Abstract In order to optimize the capacity of wind/PV/storage hybrid power generation customer of residential rooftop, a configuration method of capacity under Time-of-Use pricing policy and heuristic operational strategies is proposed in this paper. It first builds the mathematical model for optimization objective function and constraint function. Secondly, it uses particle swarm optimization algorithm to optimize the capacity of different kinds of power sources within the wind/PV/storage hybrid power generation customer of residential rooftop in unified and time-of-use pricing policy. Finally, it uses the meteorological data of NASA's meteorological sites and the residential load data of HOMER to verify the validity of the method.
Published: 19 May 2016
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Weng Guiping,Pan Xia,Shao Zhenguo. Capacity Optimization of Wind/PV/Storage Hybrid Power Generation Customer under Time-of-Use Pricing Policy and Heuristic Operational Strategies[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(5): 1-6.
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